
Informații de bază și perspectivă didactică

Our increasingly digitalised world of life presents us with new ethical challenges that are highly relevant, especially in the context of education. Digitalisation leads to far- reaching consequences for our lives, society, communication, art, culture, work, science, health, economy, politics… How is a successful life possible under the conditions of digitalisation? What does it mean that digital communication is becoming an integral part of our lives? What influence do these changes have on society? Digital Ethics is a philosophical discipline and thematic extension of ethics. The tasks of Digital Ethics include, in particular, analysing the effects of digitalization on society and the individual, developing justifications for moral action and investigating and developing normative standards on the internet. Digital ethics aims, among other things, to promote reflective competence in order to enable people to recognize problems of digitalization and to work out solutions for responsible action. This entails a need for fostering media literacy that encompasses ethical reflection on the role of technology through philosophical dialogues.

Rezultatele învățării

Critical, creative and caring thinking, reasoning, ability to reflect, to recognize connections, to investigate, to think critically, to make judgments, to observe, to draw on one’s own experience, to deal with sources
Subiecte / Curriculum național
Awareness of the complexity of today’s digital problems, promotion of empathy and solidarity, knowledge, understanding and critical thinking in relation to digital topics, digital media and networks, safety on the net, cyberbullying, lying on the net, behaviour on the Internet
  • Play
Vârsta potrivită 10-14
Perioada de timp 5 x 50 min.
Materiale necesare board/flip chart; copies of exercises; smartphone-uri / computer cu acces la internet pentru studenți; projector; paper; stilouri;
Descriere This module focuses on digital ethics and helps teachers to introduce students to this field in an interactive and reflective way.
Subiect/Arie tematică Limbă Comunicare Political/social studies Computer sciences Ethics/values education Philosophy

Plan de lecție


  • A = Activitate
  • D = Discuție
  • GL = Grup de lucru
  • IW = Individual work
  • TA = Temă pentru acasă
  • LP = Lucru cu un partener
  • PP = Pregătire (profesor)
  • OE = Opiniile elevilor
  • PE = Prezentările elevilor
  • PP = Prezentarea profesorului


Learning objectives:

  • The students reflect on their own use of digital media and networks.
  • They can distinguish between different networks and their functions.
  • They analyse first aspects of digital media and behaviour on the net and reflect together.
Fază Conținut Media, material

(20 min.)

  • PP
  • D
Activitate precedentă
  • Teacher studies previously the leading idea M1 (“Digital Media and Networks”) in order to raise awareness in the students during the discussion raised by the exercise M2.
  • Pregătiți un cerc de scaune
  • Prepare a flip chart, blackboard or smartboard and computer and projector
  • Hand out a copy of the exercise and of the handout
  • Teacher provides information on statistics of popular social networks.
  • Teacher provides information on the difference between traditional/analogue media and digital media (M5).
  • Introduction and discussion on the difference between traditional/analogue media and digital media – teacher hands out a copy of M5.
  • Introduction to the topic: “Digital Media and Networks”.
Leading Idea “Digital media and networks”
Exercise “Digital media and networks”
“Popular Social Networks Statistics”
“Social Networks Statistics International”

Work phase; Discuție
(15 min.)

  • OE
  • Students think about the questions contained in M2, they share the conclusions with their classmates, teacher stimulates the discussion and encourages them to think about own examples.
Exercise “Digital media and networks”

Work phase
(15 min.)

  • A
  • D
  • Class inquiry about the usage of social networks. For this purpose, a list is written on the board with the social networks etc. that are relevant for the students (Facebook, Instagram, Tik Tok…).
  • Each student comes to the board and makes a mark, by the social networks he/she uses.
  • Statistics are compared with the class survey. Class discussion about differences/similarities, frequency and reasons for use.
“Popular Social Networks Statistics”
“Social Networks Statistics International”

Learning objectives:

  • Students will be able to distinguish personal data and sensitive and non-sensitive data.
  • Students learn how the data can be protected.
  • Students reflect on their personal handling of data.
  • Students can check their data protection on various networks.
Fază Conținut Media, material

(10 min.)

  • PP
Activitate precedentă
  • Teacher studies previously the leading idea M6 (“Internet Security”) in order to raise awareness in the students during the discussion raised by the exercise M7.
  • Pregătiți un cerc de scaune
  • Makes copies of the exercise
  • Prepare a computer with internet access and projector for videos
  • Teacher introduces the subject hands out copy of M7 (Exercise “Internet Security”) to each student, then and shows the Video M8 asking the students to read the questions contained in the text.
Leading Idea “Internet Security”
Exercise “Internet Security”
Videos “Good Question: How Much Does The Internet Know About Us?” and “Share with Care | Federal Trade Commission”

Work phase
(20 min.)

  • LP
  • A
  • OE
  • Working in pairs, try to think about the questions contained in M7 reflecting together.
  • Then students read this list of personal data in M9 (“Data – Protection”) and assign the data to the categories.
Exercise “Internet Security”
Activity "Data – Protection”

(20 min.)

  • A
  • D
  • After students have shared their conclusions, teacher stimulates a discussion and encourage them to think about how data protection tips can be applied sensibly.

Tema pentru acasă

  • TA
  • Teacher shares the links of the videos with the students.
  • Students should think about one question to each video.
Video “Privacy – Post photos online”
Video “Social media - Antisocial”
Video “Internet Security – How to create a strong/secure password that you can remember”

Learning objectives:

  • Students will learn how "cyberbullying" can be defined and what counts as this form of bullying.
  • Students can recognize different manifestations of cyberbullying.
  • Students learn how to act in cases of cyberbullying.
Fază Conținut Media, material

(15 min.)

  • PP
Activitate precedentă
  • Teacher studies previously the leading idea M13 (“Internet Security”) in order to raise awareness in the students during the discussion raised by the exercise M14.
  • Pregătiți un cerc de scaune
  • Make copies of the exercises and the checklist “First aid for cyberbullying”.
  • Prepare a flip chart, blackboard or smartboard and computer and projector
  • Teacher introduces the subject hands out copy of M14 (Exercise “Internet Security”) to each student, then and shows the Video M15 asking the students to read the questions contained in the text.
Leading Idea “Cyberbullying”
Exercise “Cyberbullying”
Video “Let´s Fight It Together”

Work phase
(20 min.)

  • LP
  • GL
  • Students answer the questions contained in M14 and reflect on their conclusions.
  • Checklist: First aid for cyberbullying is handed out and read.
Exercise “Cyberbullying”
“Checklist: First aid for cyberbullying”

(20 min.)

  • GL
  • D
  • The students discuss different problem situations and use the checklist to write a recommendation on how persons should best respond to problematic situations.

Learning objectives:

  • Students know what fake news and disinformation are and how to recognize them.
  • They learn to recognize the difference between so-called fake news and real news.
  • This lesson gives students media literacy skills they need to navigate the media, including how to spot fake news.
Fază Conținut Media, material

(15 min.)

  • PP
Activitate precedentă
  • Teacher studies previously the leading idea M17 (Leading Idea “Fake news and misinformation”) in order to raise awareness in the students raised by the discussion plan M18.
  • Pregătiți un cerc de scaune
  • Prepare copies of material
  • Prepare a computer with internet access and projector for videos
  • Teacher introduces the subject and hands out copies of M18 to each student asking the students to think about the questions.
  • Then the teacher shows the video “What is fake news?”.
Leading Idea “Fake news and misinformation”
Discussion plan: “Fake news and social bots”
Video “What is fake news? Tips For Spotting Them”

Work phase
(15 min.)

  • OE
  • A
  • The students work on the questions in the discussion plan individually. After completed the table of exercise, students write down reasons to their answers.
  • The students should also write one sentence as feedback to the video.
Discussion plan: “Fake news and social bots”

(20 min.)

  • D
  • PP
  • Students compare their answers with each other and the teacher stimulates the discussion among the students.
  • At the end of the lesson he hands out the copy of “How to spot fake news”.
How to spot fake news

Learning objectives:

  • Students will learn which Internet behaviours are necessary to be able to live together well online.
Fază Conținut Media, material

(10 min.)

  • PP
Activitate precedentă
  • Teacher studies previously the leading idea M21 (Leading Idea “Digital Ethics – Living together in an interconnected world”) in order to raise awareness in the students by the discussion plan M22 and encourage them to think about examples of good practices and motivates them to create a poster and think about M23.
  • Pregătiți un cerc de scaune
  • Prepare copies of material
  • Prepare a computer with internet access and projector for videos
  • Provide poster paper and coloured pencils
  • Teacher gives a copy of M22, M23, M24 to each of the students and invites the students to think about the questions in the discussion plan and write down five examples of good practices, rules or guidelines for interacting with others on the internet in a considerate, respectful way. Teacher motivates to create a “Poster - guidelines for interacting with others” and to discuss the “10 Golden Rules of Digital Ethics” (M24).
Leading Idea “Digital Ethics – Living together in an interconnected world”
Activity “Digital Ethics – Living together in an interconnected world”
Activity “Netiquette in Online-Communities”
“10 Golden Rules of Digital Ethics”

Work phase
(25 min.)

  • OE
  • GL
  • D
  • The posters are presented to the class and discussed.
Activity “Digital Ethics – Living together in an interconnected world”
Activity “Netiquette in Online-Communities”
“10 Golden Rules of Digital Ethics”

(15 min.)

  • PE
  • D
  • The students work on the questions individually. After completed the table of exercises they form groups (2-3 students) and write down guidelines for interacting with others on the internet in a respectful way and design a poster together.