
Informații de bază și perspectivă didactică

The main cause of climatic changes is the excessive emission of carbon dioxide (CO2) and the resulting intensification of the greenhouse effect. The use of fossil fuels, deforestation of rainforests and livestock farming are increasingly contributing to global warming. The average global temperature has risen by 0.85o since the end of the 19th century, which has drastic effects on the environment. Glacier melt, extreme droughts and rising sea levels are just a few examples of the ecological consequences of global warming. The materials serve to creatively explore the topic of "Climate Change and Sustainability". They contain leading ideas, discussion plans, exercises and suggestions for various activities that are intended to enable pupils to reflect together and to deal with the concepts independently and interactively through philosophical dialogue. One aim is raising awareness and understanding for the effects of climate change to promote behavioural change and actions needed.

Rezultatele învățării

Critical thinking, creative and caring thinking, dialogical skills, analytical skills, problem solving, reasoning skills, recognize connections, empathy, recognize cause and effect relationships, draw on own experience - observe, analyse, describe.
Subiecte / Curriculum național
Ethically responsible and engaged:
Actions that can be taken individually and collectively
Ethically responsible behaviour
Getting engaged and taking action
  • Play
Vârsta potrivită 10-15
Perioada de timp 6 x 50 min.
Materiale necesare copies of exercises; computer; projector;
Descriere The module helps teachers to introduce climate change concepts to students and engage them in discussion regarding climate justice and sustainability.
Subiect/Arie tematică Geografie Physics Political/social studies Ethics/values education Istorie Philosophy

Plan de lecție


  • A = Activitate
  • D = Discuție
  • GL = Grup de lucru
  • IW = Individual work
  • TA = Temă pentru acasă
  • LP = Lucru cu un partener
  • PP = Pregătire (profesor)
  • OE = Opiniile elevilor
  • PE = Prezentările elevilor
  • PP = Prezentarea profesorului


Fază Conținut Media, material

(10 min.)

  • PP
  • PP
  • A
Activitate precedentă
  • Teacher studies previously the leading idea M1 (“Climate Change – what does it mean?”) in order to raise awareness in the students during the discussion raised by the exercise and activities.
  • Print questions A&B from exercises M2 and M3, prepare chalkboard or flip chart
  • Teacher hands out exercise M2. After that the teacher invites pupils to discuss with classmates the issues.
Leading Idea “Climate Change – what does it mean?”
Exercise “Climate change”

Work phase
(20 min.)

  • A
  • GL
  • Etapă 1 Teacher hands out exercise M3.
  • Etapă 2 Students think about thequestions and then they build two groups. Each group will write a list of 10 things with their suggestions how to reduce climate change.
Activities “What can we do to reduce climate change?”

(20 min.)

  • D
  • Discussion of the suggestions and giving reasons, why the ideas may help.
Activities “What can we do to reduce climate change?”
Fază Conținut Media, material

(10 min.)

  • PP
  • PP
Activitate precedentă
  • Teacher previously studies the leading idea M4 (“The Causes of Climate Change – Global warming and its consequences” to guide students during the discussion.
  • Printed copies and other possibility to show M5 like projector, computer
  • Teacher introduces the topic to the pupils with aid of M5.
Leading Idea “The Causes of Climate Change – Global warming and its consequences”
“Social and Economic Impact of Climate Change”

Work phase
(25 min.)

  • A
  • Etapă 1 After introducing the topic with the help of M5, the teacher hands out exercise M6. M5 is projected on the wall.
  • Etapă 2 Students work individually on the exercise and answer the questions.
Exercise “Consequences of global warming”

(15 min.)

  • GL
  • Students should present their answers and discuss and reflect on them with their classmates.
Exercise “Consequences of global warming”
Fază Conținut Media, material

(10 min.)

  • PP
Activitate precedentă
  • Teacher studies previously the leading idea M7 (“Global Fairness”) to have a guide encompassing the session.
  • Printed copies or other possibility to show M7 and M8, clean black board
  • Teacher introduces the topic to the pupils.
Leading Idea “Global Fairness”

Work phase
(15 min.)

  • OE
  • After introducing the topic, the teacher shows students M8 and they can name countries that they think are polluting the most.
“Global carbon dioxide emissions by country”

(25 min.)

  • D
  • Teacher invites pupils to discuss with classmates the questions of the exercise Global Fairness and asks them for suggestions for Global Fairness Initiatives.
Exercise “Global Fairness”
Fază Conținut Media, material

(15 min.)

  • PP
  • PP
Activitate precedentă
  • Teacher studies previously the leading idea M9 (“Climate Justice”) to acquire some basic understanding regarding the topic.
  • Printed copies or other possibility to show M10 and M11, clean black board
  • Etapă 1 The teacher gives a short introduction to the class on what “Climate Justice” is using the information in M10.
  • Etapă 2 The teacher hands out a copy of M11 to each student and asks the students to read through the questions.
Exercise “Global Fairness”
Leading Idea “Climate Justice”
Exercise “Climate Justice”

Work phase
(15 min.)

  • LP
  • Students work individually. They are asked to think about how the questions and get into dialogue with their neighbour.
Exercise “Climate Justice”

(20 min.)

  • D
  • The teacher encourages discussion among the students about the questions. Students think together and should give good reasons.
Exercise “Climate Justice”
Fază Conținut Media, material

(10 min.)

  • PP
  • PP
  • A
Activitate precedentă
  • Teacher studies previously the leading idea M12 (“Reducing the carbon footprint”) to acquire some basic understanding regarding the topic.
  • Printed copies or other possibility to show M14, clean black board
  • Etapă 1 The teacher gives a short introduction to the class on what a carbon footprint is using the information in M12.
  • Etapă 2 The teacher hands out a copy of M13 to each student and asks the students to think about the questions.
Leading Idea “Reducing the carbon footprint”
Exercise “Reducing the carbon footprint”

(10 min.)

  • D
  • Etapă 1 Ask the class how they would evaluate their carbon footprint.
  • Etapă 2 Following the first round of discussion, the students will think about the ways of leaving footprints.
Exercise “What ways of leaving a carbon footprint do you know?”

Work phase
(15 min.)

  • A
  • Etapă 1 Each student creates his/her own carbon footprint poster which they can hang up. Not all measures will be the same since every student lives a different life. The base model could be a foot sole with things they can do to reduce their carbon footprint around it. It could look a little like this. Encourage them to draw and add lots of colours. It should be something that they created themselves which they can look at every day.
  • Etapă 2 Each student should assess what their estimated carbon footprint and can use one of the online carbon footprint calculators.
Group work “Reducing your carbon footprint”
Material suplimentar

(15 min.)

  • D
  • The teacher encourages the discussion among the students about the questions. Students think together giving reasons.
Leading Idea “Responsibility for Future Generations”
Exercise “Responsibility for Future Generations”
Fază Conținut Media, material

(25 min.)

  • PP
  • PP
  • A
Activitate precedentă
  • Teacher studies previously the leading ideas M18 (“Sustainability”) and M20 (“The Sustainable Development Goals (SDG ́s)”) to acquire some basic understanding regarding the topics.
  • Prepare a circle of chairs, hand out a copy of the 17 Development Goals and a copy of each exercise to each pupil
  • Etapă 1 The teacher gives a short introduction to the class on what “Sustainability” is using the information in M18.
  • Etapă 2 The teacher hands out a copy of M19 to each student and asks the students to think about the questions and discuss them together.
Leading Idea “Sustainability”
Exercise “Sustainable development”
Leading Idea “The Sustainable Development Goals (SDG ́s)”

Work phase
(25 min.)

  • PP
  • A
  • Etapă 1 Teacher hands out a copy of the 17 Development Goals (M21) to each pupil and introduces the subject M18. Then they watch the film M23.
  • Etapă 2 Students read the Global Goals for Sustainable Development aloud - teacher invites pupils to discuss the questions of the exercise M22.
Leading Idea “Sustainability”
“The Sustainable Development Goals (SDG ́s)”
Exercise “The Sustainable Development Goals (SDG ́s)”
Activity film: “The Sustainable Development Goals (SDG ́s)”

Tema pentru acasă

  • TA
  • Identify and describe what you think to be the most pressing actual or underlying problem related to the environment today, and explain why you take that to be the most pressing problem. So, for instance, if you think overpopulation is at the source, talk about that. Or perhaps, you will argue that patriarchal thinking and justification is the root cause of environmental degradation. Whatever you choose, say enough about it that a reader can understand what you’re claiming and why.
“The Sustainable Development Goals (SDG ́s)”
Activity film: “The Sustainable Development Goals (SDG ́s)”