Philosophy for Children, by Matthew Lipman (1/7)

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An Interview with Matthew Lipman

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Matthew Lipman, Thinking in education, Cambridge University press, Cambridge, 2003

Jazyky : English

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  • Kritické myslenie

Gerald Delanty, The cosmopolitan imagination, Cambridge University Press, 2009

Jazyky : English

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  • Iné

AA.VV., Inclusion, Diversity, and Intercultural Dialogue in Young People’s Philosophical Inquiry, Sense Publishers, Rotterdam/Boston/Taipei, 2017

Jazyky : English

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  • Rôznorodosť

Ulrich Beck,Schöne neue Arbeitswel, Campus-Verl, Frankfurt M, 1999

Jazyky : Deutsch

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  • Globalizácia

David T. Hansen, The teacher and the world, Routledge, New York, 2011

Jazyky : English

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Daniela Manno, Confini da riconoscere, attraversare e creare. Un obiettivo pedagogico, in, Anno XIV, n° 4, Ottobre, Novembre, Dicembre 2010

Jazyky : Italiano

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Stefano Oliverio, Complex Thinking as Cosmopolitanism and the Drift of Learnification’: P4C and Some Contemporary Challenges, in M. Santi, S. Oliverio (a cura di), Educating for Complex Thinking through Philosophical Inquiry. Models, Advances, and Proposals for the New Millennium, Napoli: Liguori, pp. 15-43

Jazyky : English

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Luise Prior McCarty, Cosmopolitan Education, in The Building Blocks of social Foundation Volume 6 Issue 1

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Gerard Delanty, The cosmopolitan imagination: critical cosmopolitanism and social theory, in The British Journal of Sociology 2006 Volume 57 Issue 1

Jazyky : English

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David T. Hansen,Cosmopolitanism and Education: A View From the Ground

Jazyky : English

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David T. Hansen, Introduction: Rethinking Globalization, Education, and Citizenship,in Teachers College Record Volume 113 Number 6, 2011, pp. 1135-1153

Jazyky : English

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  • Globalizácia

Stefano Oliverio, Idee per una pedagogia dal punto di vista cosmopolitico,in E. Corbi, F.M. Siringano,Percorsi di pedagogia sociale e politica, Impegno, differenze, diritti,Roma: Editori Riuniti University Press, 2010, pp. 135-167

Jazyky : Italiano

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  • Iné

Stefano Oliverio, L’inclusione interculturale come frontiera educativa,in M. Striano (a cura di), Pratiche educative per l’inclusione sociale, Milano: Franco Angeli, 2010, pp. 52-79

Jazyky : Italiano

  • Článok
  • Mierové spolunažívanie, tolerancia

Maura Striano, Developing Educational Practices in the Globalized World,Edited by Zlatan Delic, ISBN 978-953-51-0655-5, 176 pages, Publisher: InTech, Chapters published June 29, 2012 under CC BY 3.0 license POSSO??

Jazyky : English

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  • Globalizácia

Leszek Koczanowicz, Cosmopolitanism and its Predicaments, Stud Philos Educ (2010) 29:141–149, DOI 10.1007/s11217-009-9162-2

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  • Globalizácia

Walter Mignolo, Cosmopolitanism and the De-colonial Option,Stud Philos Educ (2010) 29:111–127 DOI 10.1007/s11217-009-9163-1

Jazyky : English

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  • Globalizácia

Torill Strand, The Making of a New Cosmopolitanism,Stud Philos Educ (2010) 29:229–242 DOI 10.1007/s11217-009-9161-3

Jazyky : English

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  • Iné

Sharon Todd, Living in a Dissonant World: Toward an Agonistic Cosmopolitics for Education,Stud Philos Educ (2010) 29:213–228 DOI 10.1007/s11217-009-9171-1

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Gajendra K. Verma,Christopher Bagley,Madan Jha,International Perspectives on Educational Diversity and Inclusion, Routledge, London and New York, 2007

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The Value of Inclusive Foundation

Jazyky : English

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What is inclusive education?

Jazyky : English

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  • Rôznorodosť

Diversity & Inclusive Teaching

Jazyky : English

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  • Rôznorodosť

Emracing diversity: toolkit for creating inclusive, learning-friendly enviroment,United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization and UNESCO Bankok Office, 2015

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  • Rôznorodosť

Policy Guidelines on Inclusion in Education,UNESCO, 2009

Jazyky : English

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  • Rôznorodosť

Promoting inclusion, cultural diversity and tolerance in education

Jazyky : English

  • Webová stránka
  • Vzdelávací materiál
  • Rôznorodosť

The RoutledgeFalmer Reader in Science Education, edited by John Gilbert, RoutledgeFalmer, London and New York, 2004

Jazyky : English

  • Kniha
  • Globalizácia

Globalization: Culture and Education in the New Millennium, edited by Marcelo Suarez-Orozco,Desiree B. Qin-Hilliard, University of California press, Berkeley, Los Angeles, London, 2004

Jazyky : English

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  • Globalizácia

Globalization and Education: Critical Perspectives,edited by Nicholas C. Burbules,Carlos Alberto Torres, Routeledge, New York-London, 2000

Jazyky : English

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  • Globalizácia

Lauder, H., Brown, P., Dillabough, J. A. and Halsey, A. H., eds., Education, Globalization, and Social Change, Oxford University Press, 2006

Jazyky : English

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  • Globalizácia

Globalization and Education: Integration and Contestation across Cultures, edited by Nelly P. Stromquist,Karen Monkman, Rowman & Littelfield Education, 2014

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  • Globalizácia

Sadegh Bakhtiari, Globalization And Education: Challenges And Opportunities,february 2011

Jazyky : English

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  • Globalizácia

Impact of Globalization in Education

Jazyky : English

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  • Globalizácia

ReviseSociology: Globalisation and Education

Jazyky : English

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Impact of Globalization to Education

Jazyky : English

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  • Multimédium (video, audio)
  • Globalizácia

Globalization linked to education

Jazyky : English

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  • Globalizácia

Globalization: a Friend or a Foe?

Jazyky : English

  • Multimédium (video, audio)
  • Kritické myslenie
  • Globalizácia

Matthew J. Hayden, Mission statement possible: International schools and cosmopolitanism,in "The International Education Journal: Comparative Perspectives", 2012, 11(2), 5–26

Jazyky : English

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Zlatko Skrbiš,Coming to terms with cosmopolitanism, global citizenship & global competence

Jazyky : English

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